Do you already have a rock tumbler and now need a rock tumbler refill that includes tumbling grit and a wide variety of rough tumbled rocks? Are you new to the hobby of lapidary and polishing rocks or have you been doing it for decades? Either way, this kit is ideal for you. Details on what you get:
- 1 pound coarse 80 grit
- 1 pound medium 220 grit
- 1 pound fine 600 grit
- 4 ounces micro alumina rock polish
- 4 ounces plastic pellets
- 1 pound Mexican Crazy Lace Tumbling Rough: A long time favorite of hobbyist for tumbling, this material has the multi-colors of red, yellow, orange, and white with banding. Hand broken for tumbling, this material takes an excellent polish. 1" to 1.5" inch size pieces.
- 1 pound Smokey Quartz Rough: A mixture of smokey quartz. Approx 15-20 pieces per pound, small pieces 1/2" to 3/4" size.
- 1 pound Sea Jasper Tumbling Rough: From Madagascar. Pieces are 1" to 1.5" in size.
- 1 pound Brazilian Amethyst Rough: Medium dark in color, takes a good polish.
0-0049, 7-0023, 7-0011, 7-0043, 7-0014