Saturday, April 29 2017
The NEW Ameritek metal detectors have arrived! The Minuteman, Liberator, and Patriot, are three new • Turn-on-and-go, well balanced and lightweight Click here to get it for $199 AND FREE SHIPPING AND FREE ACCESSORY KIT with coupon code A1486 Liberator • V-Break, variable tone breakpoint Click here to get it for $299 AND FREE SHIPPING AND FREE ACCESSORY KIT with coupon code A1486 Patriot • Detects coins to 12 inches Click here to get it for $399 AND FREE SHIPPING AND FREE ACCESSORY KIT with coupon code A1486 Guidelines for All Metal Detectorists Realize that each time you go detecting you will be representing EVERYONE in this sport; all will be judged by your actions. Detectorists are a very visible group and the public knows what you are doing. That is why you must conduct yourself accordingly, learn proper recovery techniques and abide by a code of ethics. Scars from improper or sloppy recovery methods can remain for years and further damage the image of this activity. This can only lead to tougher laws and regulations. Even in remote areas it is very important to always leave no sign you were there. Learn about your local laws regarding metal detecting, especially on Federal, State or County lands, because they can vary significantly from state to state. Make the effort to search the local public records to verify the laws regarding metal detecting in your area BEFORE you go detecting. Do the same with State and Federal agencies that govern lands AND waters in your area. If you will be hunting on private property you MUST obtain permission ahead of time and be absolutely certain you know the exact boundaries of the property or yard. Check with your County land records office (usually County Seat) to obtain information on how to research or obtain land ownership plats. In some places this information is available online or you may be able to purchase a plat book for your County (some libraries also have copies you can view). These plat books are useful tools, showing owner’s name and boundaries, as well as Federal-, State-, and County-owned lands. However, it is your responsibility to still check with the land owner to verify the plat map is correct. Penalties and fines can be very costly. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Once you have a name, try to locate the owner’s address and pay him a visit. Introduce yourself, express your interest and ask if he would allow you to metal detect on his property. Explain your practices and how you will proceed. Always be polite, even if he turns down your request. If given permission, find out if there are any limitations he might have; certain times of the day, where to park your vehicle, certain areas that might be off limits, etc. Above all else, you must carefully cultivate the relationship between yourself and the land owner to ensure that you always have his/her best interest in mind. Often there may be others, such as hunters, using their property as well. Crop lands might be leased to a farmer; buildings may be rented or leased to other families. If your activities offend any other users, they will also offend the owner and that will reflect negatively on the sport. You may even get kicked off the property. When you are on private property, your actions and activities must always be beyond reproach. You must always put the owner’s concerns above all else. And this is just as true if you are in a City park or on school grounds. There are numerous cities across the country that have banned metal detecting on city property, and in nearly every case it is because of a careless detectorist that left holes and trash. Always respect the land owner! Your detector comes with the responsibility to detect and recover targets ethically. Your actions WILL affect the sport so be sure you portray yourself in the best possible way. Look for a local dealer or club in your area. They can offer up-to-date information on local conditions and laws, and teach you proper recovery techniques. Joining a club is a great way to give a stronger voice to the activity. You will find that club members have a strong stake in keeping the sport healthy by watching for violators or those not using proper recovery techniques. The goal of most clubs is to educate and teach those in this activity. With your ethical participation, you will help ensure we can all enjoy this activity for years and years. Please be responsible! Friday, December 02 2016
Metal detectors are electromagnetic devices and can detect items that are conductive or magnetic, or both. Gold is an example of a non-magnetic conductive item. Iron is both conductive and magnetic. Almost all major advances in prospecting metal detectors over the last 40 years revolve around improving ways to ignore and see through ground mineralization while still finding gold nuggets. If you’re using any brand of VLF (very low frequency) metal detector to prospect for gold, choosing the correct operating mode (also called search mode) can make or break your success. Experts recommend that any metal detector you are considering for gold prospecting should have a true all metal mode. This mode is important because of its lack of filtering applied to the signal. It will normally offer the best depth and the best sensitivity to small gold. Unfortunately, two common problems occur when using All Metal Mode: interference from ferrous iron and steel junk, and from hot rocks. A hot rock is nothing more than a rock that has a different magnetic content than the ground. Some rocks are that way because they contain conductive minerals besides gold. The Discrimination knob on your detector will help with these two problems. Discrimination is a type of electronic filtering. The signal is analyzed, and depending on the discrimination setting, identified as either a target to be dug or a target to be ignored. Applying more discrimination eliminates more trash, but be careful—you don’t want to completely eliminate all ferrous trash because an aggressive level of discrimination easily tunes out gold. So be prepared to still dig ferrous junk which usually turns out to be larger chunks of steel and iron. Also know that discrimination circuits can be fooled, especially in ground with lots of iron mineralization. This ground condition can override the small gold signal and cause a faint gold signal to be identified as ferrous. Even with this limitation, the discrimination mode can be invaluable for finding gold in extremely trashy areas. Trashy areas are where a VLF detector can really outshine a PI (pulse induction) machine, especially when dealing with nails, bits of rusted cans, and other small trash. If you’re in the market for a metal detector, some manufacturers offer special holiday packages such as the 3 listed below. You can also shop for Fisher, Garrett, Bounty Hunter, Minelab, Tesoro and Teknetics metal detectors here. Through Christmas only... FREE Recharge Kit and FREE 15” Coil and FREE Shipping with purchase of either Fisher F75 ($599) or Teknetics T2 ($499) detectors! Both machines are recommended for Coin Shooting, Relic Hunting, and Gold Prospecting. Garrett AT Pro holiday package ($594.96) includes detector, headphones, instructional DVD, Tuesday, June 23 2015
The Fisher F11 is a great all-purpose metal detector with a seven inch waterproof searchcoil. Priced at just $159, this model is extremely low priced and sure to fit any budget. If you're into digging up history, this detector is for you! The F11 offers three modes of operation: Jewelry, Coin and Artifact modes. Get more details and download the F11 owner's manual here. Two new weatherproof detectors, the F22 and F44 are resistant to weather, rain, storms, hail, snow, sleet, and high wind. These machines are impervious to splashing waves in beach use, or any kind of water. However, weatherproof does not mean that these machines can be submerged, but you definitely don't have to cancel your hunt or cut short your time in the field due to a little challenge thrown your way by Mother Nature! The Fisher F22 weatherproof all-purpose metal detector is priced at just $229 and is the result of many years of software engineering and features the latest advancements in lightweight design and target accuracy. Treasure hunting enthusiasts from around the world were involved in the development of this revolutionary new dectector. The F22 can be used with its default turn-on-and-go settings, or you can adjust the detector's settings to match your hunting conditions. Comes with a 9-Inch Concentric Elliptical Waterproof Searchcoil. Get more specifics and download the F22 owner's manual here.
Monday, May 25 2015
First Texas Products, manufacturer of the Fisher, Bounty Hunter, and Teknetics brand metal detectors, is
For the Demo/Instructional category, make a new video using any First Texas Products machines and show how to set up your machine, adjust the settings and provide any great hints or tricks you've learned since you began using your detector. For the hunting category, make a new video showing your hunt, finds, and the good times you have while out in the field with First Texas Products metal detectors. Enter the contest by making your videos and posting them on the corresponding YouTube channel (see below for channels). For example, if you are making a Fisher Video, post your video on the Fisher YouTube channel. If you are making a Bounty Hunter video, post your video on the Bounty Hunter YouTube channel. RULES:
Please share this with everyone you know that owns any First Texas Products metal detectors. Good Luck and Happy Hunting! Monday, April 27 2015
What is the best metal detector? This is probably the Number One question that everyone asks when How much do you know about metal detectors? Be honest because the answer also affects your budget. If you're just getting started and plan to go out just a few weekends a year, you may not want to shell out a lot of cash up front so a general all-purpose detector in the $200 range will suit your needs. If you have used a friend's detector a few times and are fairly serious about wanting to find gold and other buried treasures of your own, then buy a detector in the $700 range that is user-friendly. You will get a very good quality machine with plenty of bells and whistles, yet it won't require an advanced degree to actually use it. And you won't have to spend hours reading the owners' manual to understand it either. Before investing in a model that costs thousands of dollars, first be sure you love detecting and will use it often enough to justify the big price tag no matter what brand you decide on. Garrett and Fisher are two of the oldest manufacturers in the business.
What do you primarily hope to find? If you want to find gold, you'll need a detector especially made for that purpose. Gold detectors are not necessarily more expensive, but they are built with a higher sensitivity to detecting gold nuggets, and have better ground balancing and discrimination abilities. PI machines aren't so good for coin shooting in urban areas where you are likely to encounter iron trash, however, they are ideal for beaches or detecting in other highly mineralized soils, especially if you are looking for objects that are deeply buried. VLF detectors are more sensitive to finding the smallest bits of gold, but do not as easily cancel out ground mineralization.
Metal Detectorist Code of Ethics
Monday, June 10 2013
News Bulletin From Fisher Labs: This Wednesday evening, June 12, at 9:00 PM Central Time, the Travel Channel will be showing premier episodes of their new metal detecting reality show: Dig Wars. There will be two back-to-back 30 minute episodes about three pairs of detectorists that travel the country searching for artifacts, relics and coins. Three of the six hunters will use Teknetics and Fisher metal detectors and featured throughout the season will be the T2LTD, G2, F70, F75LTD and Gold Bug models. Mark your calendar and be sure to tune in to see Fisher and Teknetics metal detectors in action -- 9:00 PM Central and 8:00 PM Mountain (and re-aired 3 hours later). Sunday, September 02 2012
If you're looking for metal detector that will find the smallest gold nuggets in highly mineralized soils, then Fisher's Gold Bug Pro is your machine! Fisher's legendary Gold Bug now incorporates new state-of-the-art advanced algorithms to provide you with extreme ground/target information. It's a multi-purpose detector, and a new coil combo package makes the popular Gold Bug Pro detector even better! This special package at a special price pairs the Gold Bug Pro with the 5” DD coil AND the 10" DD elliptical coils.
![]() This is the perfect detector and coil combination for prospectors and relic hunters at a special low price. The recently new 5x10 solid DD coil has excellent depth and unbelievable target separation capabilities and has become the go-to coil for many. This coil was designed for the Gold Bug series and it has incredible sensitivity to small targets. It's a real must-have for gold prospectors, and the solid construction makes it great for field stubble. Excellent for coins, relics and jewelry hunting and the standard 6.5 foot cord has shallow water hunters cleaning up. Here's what you can expect from the Gold Bug Pro Metal Detector Coil Combo:
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